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Novosti News

16.4.2020. 11:29

Ostajemo doma!  i  radimo i ono za što ranije nismo imali vremena. Gledajući stare vijesti i obavijesti na internetu naišla sam na dirljiv članak ( iz prosinca 2019)  o našem udruženju Hidahdut 'oley ex yu  i njegovom o prestanku djelovanja nakon 75 godina. 

Miri Đermani, zahvaljuje svima i obavještava da se prema pravilma "zamrzava" djelovanje udruženja na 5 godina te ako se u 1925 godini neće moći obnoviti onda se  potpuno zatvara njegova djelatnost.

  Dear friends and friends,

...According to the regulations, we freeze every activity of the association up to 5 years.  If after 5 years in 2025, we will not be released until new, the association will be closed.

I am very excited about the situation that was created. Together with the members of the committee and all the volunteers, we kept an active association, rich in action and giving a lot for friends. All the action was done voluntarily

Maybe we can look at the new situation in a different way, that we are well-established and well-being in the Israeli society and from now on we are no longer yugoslavs, but Israelis

...I thank all my heart to the members of the committee, to the volunteers in the archives and the newspaper editors who helped, support and allow me to hold the association. Without you and without anyone who collaborated, I wouldn't be  Successful in my role.

Thank you to each of you, in his path, was a partner on the way.
Wishing you all good health, good and interesting life, and goodbye in celebrations only!

Yours       Miri Derman



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