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Novosti News

27.4.2024. 11:42
EU parliament
Ovu vijest koja nam demonstrira sadašnje stanje antisemitizma u Europi prenosimo u cijelosti sa web stranice Europskog Židovskog Kongresa

The European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS) says it “strongly condemns” the behavior of an audience at the European Youth Forum (YFJ).

“During the closing plenary of the Level Up! event, held in the hemicycle of the European Parliament, some participants took advantage of a moment of transition to disrupt the ceremony, shouting ‘Free Palestine,’ ‘Ceasefire Now’ and accusing Israel of committing genocide,” EUJS says. 

“Most of the plenary started clapping, including the moderators and various board and staff members of the YFJ. Moreover, after requesting the floor, a participant taught the entire hemicycle how to say ‘Free Palestine’ in sign language.”

When the head of the EUJD delegation protested, “the crowd started booing and insulting her, accusing her of ‘hate speech’ and labelling her as a ‘fascist Zionist.’

“In a space where everyone should have felt safe, Jewish students, once again, felt threatened. Some members of the EUJS delegation started crying and others were shaking,” it said.

“The incident that occurred today was a public humiliation for the EUJS President and EUJS as a whole. This happened within the walls of the European Parliament.”

It calls for a strong condemnation by the YFJ of the “appalling and intolerable” incident.