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Novosti News

16.12.2018. 14:44

Austrian government still wants to give citizenship to descendants of Holocaust victims

Austrian officials insisted that the government in Vienna remains fully committed to advancing legislation granting citizenship to the descendants of Austrian Holocaust victims, rebuffing a report claiming that parts of the ruling coalition were stalling on the promised reform. “Amending the Austrian Citizenship Law in order to extend the Austrian citizenship to Shoah victims’ descendants enjoys wide support by all political parties represented in the Austrian Parliament,” said Martin Weiss, the Austrian ambassador to Israel.

Austrijski "zvaničnici" inzistiraju da vlada u Beču i nadalje radi na unapređenju legislative koja omogućava davanje austrijskog državljanstva potomcima austrijskih žrtava Holokausta. To je dio obećanih  reformi koje je dala vladajući koalicija. Amandmani na austrijski zakon o državljanstvu,  kojim bi se  to pravo proširilo na potomke žrtava  holokausta,  ima široku potporu u Austrijskom parlamentu- izjavio je Martin  Weiss ambasador  Austrije u Izraelu...
According to current Austrian law, only children — but not grandchildren — of Austrian citizens persecuted during the Holocaust could claim Austrian nationality.

Prema postojećem austrijskom zakonu, samo djeca, ali ne i unuci, autrijskih građana koji su bili proganjani u toku holokausta, mogu postavizi zahtjev na Austrijsku nacionalnost.