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16.12.2018. 15:34
Theresa May

British PM Theresa May: Criticism of Israel not an excuse for antisemitism

British Prime Minister Theresa May strongly condemned rising antisemitism in Europe in a speech to the Conservative Friends of Israel, saying that it was a critical component of fighting all racial hatred. Public debate over antisemitism in the UK has intensified in recent months following a bitter dispute between the Jewish community and the Labour Party, which has been beset by antisemitism over the past few years, despite adopting a truncated form of the definition of antisemitism in the summer.

Britanska premijerka  Theresa May je oštro osudila porast antisemitizma u Europi prilikom govora kod  "Konzervativnih prijatelja Izraela",  jer je to kritični dio borbe protiv rasne mužnje.  

Diskusija o antisemitizmu se je UK u posljednje vrijeme pojačala u oštroj raspravi između Židovske zajednice i Laburističke stranke, koja je bila optužena za antisemitizam posljednjih nekoliko godina,  iako je prihvatila punu  "Definiciju antisemitizma".

Novo krajnje lijevo krilo u partiji je jako kritiziralo Izrael,  te je May  pojasnila:" Kriticizam vlade u Izraelu nije nikada i ne može nikada biti,  izgovor za mržnju protiv židovskog naroda.

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May declared on Monday that “Criticising the government of Israel is never – and can never, ever be – an excuse for hatred against the Jewish people.

She also insisted that antisemitism in the UK must be tackled head on, and was part of the wider struggle against racial hatred.  May added during her speech that it was a great pleasure to celebrate the “friendship between two great democracies – the UK and Israel.”...